Bollywood celebrities Abhishek Bachchan, Actress Tabu, Comedian actor Rajpal Yadav,Shaad Randhawa, Musician Anu malik, Actor Manok Kumar and may celebritie visits the Dara singh home. Indian Actor and wrestler died yesterday after severe heart arrest.
Showing posts with label Dara Singh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dara Singh. Show all posts
Friday, July 13, 2012
Bollywood & Television Celebs grace the Dara Singh's funeral images
Bollywood and Television Celebrities Puneet Issar, Zarine Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Ali Khan, Raza Murad,Shehzad Khan,Chandrashekhar,Shahbaaz Khan,Manoj Tiwari,Sajid Khan, Farhad,Gajendra Chauhan,Dheeraj Kumar,Anoop Soni,Bharat Dabholkar,Gurpreet Guggi all are grace the Actor and wrestler Dara Singh's funeral photo gallery.
Bollywood celebrities at Dara Sing funeral pictures. also Ramayan Serial actors grace the Dara singh funeral.
Bollywood celebrities at Dara Sing funeral pictures. also Ramayan Serial actors grace the Dara singh funeral.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Indian Actor and Wrestler 'Dara Singh' passed away
Indian Actor and Wrestler 'Dara Singh' passed away in Mumbai on Thursday at 7.30 am at his home. Dara Singh is 83 years old bollywood actor was admitted to a Mumbai hospital on July 7 following a cardiac arrest. Dara Singh's most memorable being that of Hanuman in the iconic show Ramayan. Dara Singh joined the Indian film industry in the 1960s, starring in movies like Tarzan and King Kong.
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