Damarukam is a 2012 Telugu socio-fantasy movie directed and written by Srinivasa Reddy. Featuring Nagarjuna, Ganesh Venkatraman and Actress Anushka Shetty play the lead roles in this movie. The cinema music composed by Devi Sri Prasad. Other star casts on this film is Prakash Raj, M.S. Narayana, Brahmanandam, Krishna Bhagavaan, Raghu Babu, Jeeva, Devan, Ravi Shankar, Charmy Kaur in a Special appearance and Vikramv Renukuntha.
Let us see the Damarukham Latest stills | Photo gallery | Wallpapers |Images |Pictures
Let us see the Damarukham Latest stills | Photo gallery | Wallpapers |Images |Pictures