Here the upcoming another bollywood movie 'JAL'(Water) First Look Poter is released. Jal (Water) is a Hindi Cinema, which is set in the Rann of Kutch, India about an overconfident water diviner named Bakka, who tries to solve the drought problems in his village, but faces unforeseen circumstances when he tries to help a female ornithologist save flamingos.
The film was screened and received praise at various film festivals including the "New Currents" section of the Busan International Film Festival 2013 and in the "Indian Panorama" section of the International Film Festival of India.
Jal is set for a nationwide release in India on March 28th, 2014. One World Films has collaborated with DAR Motion Pictures for the distribution of ‘Jal’ in India
The film was screened and received praise at various film festivals including the "New Currents" section of the Busan International Film Festival 2013 and in the "Indian Panorama" section of the International Film Festival of India.
Jal is set for a nationwide release in India on March 28th, 2014. One World Films has collaborated with DAR Motion Pictures for the distribution of ‘Jal’ in India