Bollywood actress Hot Nargis Fakhri attended the launch of 2B Swirl Drink in Dubai. The Gorgeous Actress Nargis wearing Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna dress with a black and white cuff from Isharya, Nargis looked stunning and hot at the event.
Rajat Kapoor, Vinay,Shilpa,Pia,Sasha attend the day 4 of 5th Jagran Film Festival. Lets see the gallery of Premiere of 'Desi Kattey' at 5th Jagran Film Festival.
Bigg B Amitabh graces 'Banega Swachh India' campaign launch gallery. Lets see the pics of Amitabh Bachchan At Launch Of Dettol Banega Swachh India Initiative.
Purab Kohli and Tara Sharma at Fund raiser event for NGO Footsteps for Good. Lets see the pictures of Purab Kohli & Tara Sharma at Footsteps Good's fund raiser event.